Think out / Considere cuidadosamente


"For Elohim so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" "Porque Elohim amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna" (John 3:16). "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah: for it is the power of Elohim unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek" ; "Porque não me envergonho do evangelho do Messias, pois é o poder de Elohim para salvação de todo aquele que crê; primeiro do judeu, e também do grego".(Romans 1:16). "But Elohim commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Messiah died for us" ; "Mas Elohim prova o seu amor para conosco, em que o Messias morreu por nós, sendo nós ainda pecadores." (Romans 5:8). "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Adon Yeshua, and shalt believe in thine heart that Elohim hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same ADONAI over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the ADONAI shall be saved. " ; "A saber: Se com a tua boca confessares a ADON Yeshua, e em teu coração creres que Elohim o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, serás salvo. Visto que com o coração se crê para a justiça, e com a boca se faz confissão para a salvação. Porque a Escritura diz: Todo aquele que nele crer não será confundido. Porquanto não há diferença entre judeu e grego; porque um mesmo é o ADONAI de todos, rico para com todos os que o invocam. Porque todo aquele que invocar o nome de ADONAI será salvo." (Romans 10:9-13). "...Elohim hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son." ; "E o testemunho é este: que Elohim nos deu a vida eterna; e esta vida está em seu Filho".(I John 5:11). "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of Elohim hath not life." ; "Quem tem o Filho tem a vida; quem não tem o Filho de Elohim não tem a vida". (I John 5:12). For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of Elohim is eternal life through Yeshua HaMashiach Adoneinu" ; "Porque o salário do pecado é a morte, mas o dom gratuito de Deus é a vida eterna, por Yeshua HaMashiach nosso Senhor".(Romans 6:23).

Which six words are you going to believe? Six words from the Tanakh or six words from the Talmud?

Blatant disregard for the inerrant Tanakh will cost the soul of the one making deathbed viddui (confession of sin) of these words from the Talmud,

"May my death make kaparah for all my sins." rather than "T’hei mot haMoshiach kaparah al kol avonotai" "May the death of Moshiach make kaparah for all my sins." If the following six words from the Talmud
תְּהֵא מִיתָתִי כַּפָּרָה עַל כָּל עֲוֹנוֹתָי. [סנהדרין פרק ו,ב]
are erroneously preferred to these six words from the Tanakh it will be to the eternal lose of the nefesh
כִּי נִגְזַר מֵאֶרֶץ חַיִּים מִפֶּשַׁע עַמִּי
Let's repeat this so that there can be no confusion or question. There are two confessions here. Each contains six little words. One Jewish confession is the holy inspired Word of G-d and one confession is not the inspired Word of G-d. Confession of the Talmud instead of the Tanakh will cost one his immortal soul. Here are the words from the Talmud:
"May my death make kaparah for all my sins." Here are the Words from the inerrant Tanakh: "Kee neegzar may-eretz chayyim mee-pay-sha amee." So from these inerrant words we confess "T’hei mot haMoshiach kaparah al kol avonotai," which translates into English: "May the death of Moshiach make kaparah for all my sins." Now if
תְּהֵא מִיתָתִי כַּפָּרָה עַל כָּל עֲוֹנוֹתָי. [סנהדרין פרק ו,ב]
is erroneously preferred to these following six Hebrew words from the Tanakh, then that fatal choice will result in the eternal lose of the nefesh:
כִּי נִגְזַר מֵאֶרֶץ חַיִּים מִפֶּשַׁע עַמִּי

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